Our approach

Our approach to managing money

We are mindful that our clients have spent a long time working hard to create their wealth. With this in mind and where appropriate, the aim of our investment approach is focused on preservation of wealth being just as important as wealth creation. Adopting a long-term view, we build lasting relationships with our clients so as your life changes, our advice will change, as will our investment solutions.

Wealth preservation

Clients have spent a long time working hard to create their wealth. We understand the preservation of wealth to be just as important as wealth creation. This establishes a platform to generate upside returns.

Client-centric focus

We manage a client’s wealth on a bespoke and personal basis, helping to meet their needs now and into the future, whilst providing a high service level. Our clients are the heart of our business and receive 100% focus.

Longevity of advice

Service is a key focus for us. By only dealing with carefully selected clients, this enables us to spend a large amount of time on each client’s portfolio, always with the knowledge that not everyone has the same aims and objectives.

Bespoke approach

With the help of the team at Raymond James, we can invest in a wider range of investments. This allows the investment process to be bespoke to the client’s needs but also agile in its approach.

Assessing risk

Before commencing any relationship and service, all clients must complete a Client Investment Profile and risk profile.

The risk profile exceeds usual psychometric standards for validity and reliability by adding other dimensions and common-sense approach to your needs and requirements.

Risk is broken down into three parts:

Risk tolerance

Capacity for loss

Risk required

Keeping you informed

  • Regular face to face meetings
  • Client Access* (secure online access to view your portfolio and the last two years transactions)
  • Quarterly valuations as a minimum

*Pricing related data is updated within Client Access™ each business day, typically by 9am GMT. Prices are quoted in the local currency of the holding as at the close of business on the valuation date. RAYMOND JAMES is a registered trademark of Raymond James Financial, Inc. Legal Disclosure             

If you would like to start the conversation, please get in touch